Euan Reid

Websites! Recipes! Exclamation Marks!

This sub-site forms a little hub for various projects I have been or am working on. Poke around, try things out, and if you have thoughts you want to share hop on over to the Contact page.


I'm something of a cocktail aficionado and come up with my own from time to time. After thorough taste testing, assuming they pass muster, I share the recipes here. Enjoy responsibly.

Blackberry-Sloe Sour

A twist on a classic, this berry-forward drink has a pleasantly sticky sweetness but remains surprisingly refreshing.


Illegal to serve in most bars around the globe due to its extremely high alcohol content, the Typhoon is "like a Dark and Stormy but far more dangerous" -- and one of the most delicious things I've ever drunk.


I've been making websites since before I was a teenager, so that's unlikely to stop any time soon. Some are serious, some silly. All are made by me.

This site is something I've been working on on-and-off for over a decade -- originally under the moniker -- through various iterations and complete rewrites.

Phoenix Roleplaying

A play-by-post roleplaying forum I build and maintain tech for.

SWTOR Characters

A little website of bio pages for SWTOR characters some friends and I play.


Watch Bells

Nautical time-telling bells in programmatic form.